Nancy A. Young

Nancy is a Founder of Al Young Studios. In addition to her extensive and ongoing operational responsibilities at the Studios, she is deeply involved as an art and creative director in all Studios products and services, ranging from painting and writing to interior design and publishing.  Much of Nancy's creative work focuses on The Storybook Home Journal (published bi-monthly since 2000). She oversees conceptualization, research, content creation, and layout. The Storybook Kitchen, Storybook Garden, Storybook Decorating,and other regular sections in the Journal arise from interests, research, and more than forty years of experience as a homemaker and consultant.  She has written more than 600 Journal and freelance articles and other publications on a wide range of topics, with particular emphasis on homemaking. She is also a seasoned editor, creative director, researcher, teacher, and public speaker. Her undergraduate studies at Brigham Young University focused on comparative literature.

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